Status: Tersedia
Vitakraft Menu for Hamster 1 Kg. Makanan premium Hamster
Menu Vital is a species-appropriate, balanced mix for hamsters that tastes the animals not only delicious but they are also everything what they need for a healthy life. The proven vital complex bends beyond deficiency symptoms and provides an extra boost of vitality!
High quality seeds, valuable grain, delicious vegetables … The food contains exactly the ingredients that would be looking for a hamster in nature, and is to sugarless formulation produced. Protein-rich nuts are also the optimal energy supplier. Essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements help in the optimal management of the animal. Menu Vital – our “Original” to a healthy diet of hamsters! + Proteins: High quality proteins provide important amino acids for the agile Hamster .. + coat gloss : The linoleic acid contained as well as zinc and biotin maintain the coat and ensure a healthy, shiny coat. + Odour stop: Our special combination makes for a better environment in hamster. Naturally, unpleasant odors are bound and their formation reduced.
For all hamsters
Mix with valuable cereals, seeds, nuts and vegetables
Contains vital vitamins, minerals and trace elements
With high-quality extrudates
Sugar free recipe
Without artificial aromas
Without artificial preservatives
In the reclosable Aroma Fresh Bag
Note :
– Update resi H+1 dari masa pengiriman
– Jika barang tidak sampai / rusak, 100% di ganti, dengan syarat bukti foto label pengiriman & video unboxing
– jam Operasional Senin s/d Minggu 09:00 – 19:00
– Jika Order lewat dari jam operasional maka akan di kirim di hari selanjutnya
– Batas Pembayaran Instant & sameday batas Maksimal jam 14:00 & jika order di hari minggu akan di kriim hari senin
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